No More Victims 2, Kellie's List, UnHurt, Save the Humans, Artistic Agita, Now... Two Angry Angelz !

No More Victims 2, Kellie's List, UnHurt, Save the Humans, Artistic Agita, Now... Two Angry Angelz !

We’ve done did it all, and I believe I’ve got just enough wind in me to pull it off one last time. But as usual to start we need YOU! It starts with cash and i don’t believe in a free ride so here we are finally selling all our stuff to attempt one last time to get a community center opened. Should you like to donate, i won’t object, but know we are grass roots and i plan on staying that way till a miracle happens.

See Into the Future…

Or Dive deep into the past.

So I’m finally going to do it, I’m going to do readings for people, for what ever reason, for what ever i make off it, this is finally going to happen. And it’s totally ok if you dont believe in psycics, I don’t either, but I know I’m good at what I do. Being completely honest there are some people I just can’t read, which is why I offer a free 3 card reading before I do an official reading on anyone.

Find out how to get yours done and book your free reading today!!

Two Angry Angels is pretty much our last stand. One last march through the muck at an attempt to make our dreams come true. Our dreams have never been about us, it’s always been about helping others and we really want to open a community center for displaced and abused youth and with any luck start a home for women and their pets, whether in recovery from substances or abuse. I know we can do it. Here are some things we are doing to start our fundraising efforts. Together anything is possible, and I will never stop believing, Ever.

Bohemian Delights

Our own unique online big girl boutique, odd collectables, and online thrift shop. Everything from clothing and jewelry to rare antiques and collectables to home decor.

Check It out


Artistic Agita

Also known as Art by Ross Pierro, here you’ll find some of DIckie’s best and oldest works, a lot never seen by the public. You will also have a chance to commission him for a “Clairvoyant Portrait” where he actually sits with you for a session and paints a spirit that is connected to you, It’s pretty amazing,

See the Gallery


Event Planning

No one knows how to throw together an event quite like we do. We specialize in all inclusive LGBQT events, we are quite connected to the punk scene too. We do everything from memorials to fundraisers. You can check out some of our past events and get more information on our events ….



We are NOT non profit, nor do we plan on it. We are strictly grass roots, meaning donations are from the heart and NOT tax deductible, unless by some miraculous happenstanance that we raise tons of money and have to report it then I will go through the process of becoming a non profit again.

See our previous non profit papers and donate …


While we are getting the store built and doing what we can to raise money I’d really like to get back to the core of of the work, Kellie’s List. If you offer peer or professional services or would like to write for the zine, le the me by checking and filling out the form on the contact page.